Welcome to the ISS Vengeance!
Ad Astra Per Victoriam
"To the Stars through Victory"
The Empire is vast.
The Empire is eternal.
The Empireā¦ is crumbling.
It had been seven years since the great calamitous event known simply as The Shattering. The exact number of dead would never be truely known. The best estimates said on the order of eleven billion.
The how, the why, even the who. These questions were a mystery. Even to those required to know all manner of secrets. Over the intervening years, the Intelligence service of the Empire had slowly let the event fade.
The Imperial Fleet as a whole had not. The heart of the Empire had been annihilated. The homeworld of the Terran people. It's crust had cracked, broken. What had been left behind was molten. Desolate. Dead.
How could the professional military of the Empire move on? The Fleet had pulled back. Securing the Core worlds. Both from without, and from within.
Andor. Vulcan, Tellar. A few other minor systems. They were all under tight control. Whether it was by accident, or deliberate act, the sword of the Empire was not letting Earth happen to another planet.
The home system of the Empire was not altogether abandoned, though. Terran Star Dock remained in orbit, fully staffed, and functional. The Lunar colony, and all the stations, and outposts that littered the planets and moons.
In orbit of Earth, on a cloaked, secret station, the Emperor watched. Seeing all, waiting for the time to reimerge.
The Utopia Plenitia Fleet Yards around Mars had been busy. While Home Fleet was securing the Core, the borders had been left, the fringes - while not necessarily forgotten - had been put to the back, in lieu of more urgent needs.
Now, the Empire wanted to restrengthen it's border systems. A new collection of starships was being built, outfitted, and crewed at the fleet yard around Mars.
Chief among them, the Luna-class ISS Vengeance. Her commander, Captain Allison DeBries, was issued a duel assignment : help bring the fringes back under control, and seek out rumours that the fate of Earth was caused by an external hand.
The Vengeance is ready.
The Vengeance will prove her name.
Latest Mission Posts
» Questioning Protocol
Mission: Mission 0: Introduction
Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 10:28pm by Captain Allison DeBries & Lt Commander Andrei Persky
The paperwork never seemed to diminish. No matter how much she completed, more always came in. Status reports, crew updates, all manner of things.
The doors to her office opened without warning. DeBries didn't bother to look up as her peripheral vision took in an individual sitting - uninvited…
» Quite the First Impression
Mission: Mission 0: Introduction
Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 10:27pm by Captain Allison DeBries & Lieutenant Sayori Summers
This was it.
She had been patient. She had been calm. She had been bouncing between boring assignments for seven years. She was qualified. She was ready. She wouldn't take no for an answer.
She...was having a hard time focus.
Focus, Sayori!
It had been no easy feat to…
» Coming Aboard
Mission: Mission 0: Introduction
Posted on Fri May 12th, 2023 @ 7:48am by Captain Allison DeBries & Lt Commander Andrei Persky
The Transporter beam let go as the dark purple wall plating materialised around her. Hazel eyes scanned the room as the operators behind the consoles came to attention.
A shrill whistle sounded a three note motif, as the Enlistedman called out across the room. "Commanding Officer arriving!"
The Boatswain…
» The Shattering: Witness
Mission: Out of Time
Posted on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 5:27am by Lieutenant Maia Swan
Maia hauled herself out of the bed in the massive infirmary and limped over towards the window. She'd been mired in this sickbay wing for the last two weeks as she recovered from the fight to save Valos, along with many of the survivors of the Falchion. Of the…
» A Beginning
Mission: Mission 0: Introduction
Posted on Sun May 7th, 2023 @ 7:24pm by Captain Allison DeBries & Rear Admiral Lucas DeBries
A small vessel moved into view. A Runabout. One of the small support craft, it was between a shuttle, and a Starship. The general principle of such craft was mid-range, semi-autonomous operations. Or, more likely in this case, inner system patrol work.
Allison DeBries, Captain within the Imperial Fleet…