Despite being set in an alternate Mirror Universe, the ISS Vengeance is still a member of Pegasus Fleet, and will abide by all Fleet Laws, and any infraction will be dealt with promptly.
1) Respectful
All players are expected, and required to be respectful of each other. This includes personal character stories, and the characters themselves - you do not get to maim, or kill another PC without discussion with that player, regardless of the setting.
2) Harassment
Any harassment that is reported to the CO will be dealt with expediently. The SIMM Command Team encourages all Players to report any harassing, or otherwise upsetting behaviour to ourselves.
3) Player Characters & NPCs
All Players are allowed a total of one (1) PC, and a maximum of three (3) Linked NPCs, with the exception of Command Staff, for Mission purposes.
All Characters are required to follow PF Guidelines, including the Restricted Characters Policy, which will be as follows:
– Shapeshifter (Changelings, Chameloids, 8472...)
-- Androids, Augments or mobile emitter-equipped Holograms.
-- Races from the Delta Quadrant.
-- Races from the opposing side of recent wars or of a hostile nature to the Terran Empire.
-- Characters with physical or mental powers beyond those shown by major characters on the shows/movies (Excluding other restricted or disallowed races)
-- Characters with physical appearance or behavioural traits dissimilar enough so as to cause confusion over the characters actual age. (ie: Adults that look like children or characters appearing childlike behave as adults)
-- Characters from official sources, or their relations.
The following characters or races will be disallowed for all player characters.
-- Borg, even free ones.
-- Q, half-Q, Q in human form, etc
-- Any race that is prohibited from any form of contact with other races, such as the Talosians.
4) Content Guidelines
The Endurance utilizes the RPG Rating system, which scores three vectors on a scale of 0-3. Our current rating is:

This means the following:
Language: Swearing and mature language is permitted.
Sex: Sexual content may be described in detail
Violence: Explicit violence is permitted
N.B.: These are permitted at the discretion of the SIMM Command Staff. If it is determined that Players are needlessly conducting themselves in an inappropriate manner, action will be taken. This is a SIMM for all over the age of 18 to join, and enjoy.