ISS Vengeance

Lieutenant Shrev Th'raun

Name Shrev Th'raun

Position Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description He is reasonably physically fit but otherwise, not imposing physically. He would strike many as "just another Andorian" but that's the whole point, isnt it?


Personality & Traits

General Overview Shrev Th'raun is a thoughtful and careful planner. His every action is designed in some way to help advance the cause of the Empire first and his own second. But since he's a loyal servant of the Empire, the two are largely one and the same - save for ambitions to be in a position of more use and capacity.

His service file indicates that he is a capable fighter and pilot, he came from the backwaters and rebelled against a quiet life of farming to serve the Empire. But his true strength is his strategic acumen - something that has seen numerous victories achieved. None were directly attributed to him, but he is a man of whom success is its own reward.
Strengths & Weaknesses Shrev Th'raun is the living definition of "You are all playing Dom Jot while I'm playing Tridimensional Chess". In his strength, that means he is often thinking well above and beyond his allies and enemies, but it does lend a certain arrogance that some can find insufferable.

He knows his capabilities and his limitations but does not show everything he can do all at once and sometimes not at all. Some have observed him to be content to send others to do his dirty work and let others carry out his plans. Which depending on who you ask is either the sign of a masterful tactician and manipulator or the sign of someone who is incredibly workshy and lazy.

Can he fight? Yes and quite well. But would he rather send a bunch of nameless Crewmen to do it for him? Absolutely.
Ambitions He has no designs for the center chair or even to be in the TIA. But he does want to be the man behind the curtain - the one who truly decides the fates. His genius will be recognized not by his name being chanted by the masses, but rather his strategies whispered about in hushed panic by his enemies.
Hobbies & Interests Shrev Th'raun is a voracious reader and has saved countless novels from approved libraries across the Empire. When he can, he will even read ones that are not approved - not for a rebellious reason but to gain full insight on those who created it.

His pursuits are intellectual for the most part - art, philosophy, music, and of course, chess and other games of intellect, cunning and strategy.

Personal History Shrev Th'raun was born on a frontier colony to parents who were formerly soldiers but wanted to live what they thought was a peaceful life as farmers. But their son found it such a waste of their talents and as soon as he could, he applied for service in the Imperial Starfleet.

His rise is best described as "average" by the outward observer at first. But those who wizened up soon saw a mastermind waiting to be born. His mentor, the Captain of the ISS Andromeda, began to help him expand his intellectual pursuits and see how to understand those that would oppose the Empire. It became clear that where many could not see it, the keys to victory were always in plain sight.

This tutelage ended when he was transferred to the ISS Adrastea but the lessons stuck and suddenly, a rather mediocre Captain was scoring victory after victory against the Klingons and Romulans. Shrev would hone his trade here - if he could get a fool to become brilliant, anything was possible.

His own theories were put to the test when the ISS Adrastea's command staff were killed in a surprise attack by a Romulan warbird, forcing him to take command. Despite being outgunned and caught by surprise, he was able to outmaneuver and outmatch the warbird's Commander, frustrating him into ending the engagement.

Still, Command was not about to promote a nobody to command the Adrastea and so he was moved to a more appropriate post aboard the ISS Vengeance.
Service Record 2377 - Accepted, Imperial Starfleet Academy
2381 - Graduated, Imperial Starfleet Academy - Command Track. Assigned, ISS Andromeda, Strategic Operations Staff
2385 - Reassigned, ISS Adrastea, Tactical Officer
2387 - Promoted, ISS Adrastea, Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
2390 - Promoted, ISS Adrastea, Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
2395 - Reassigned, ISS Vengeance, Chief Strategic Operations Officer